Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lights.. Camera.. Pose.

This week for "So you think you can('t) draw?" we were told to draw a camera then edit it on photoshop. I really enjoyed this and I was able to learn a lot on photoshop. I originally only had the outline of the heal and the camera and did the rest on the computer.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Photoshop It...

Where they lived happily ever after...

"So you think you can draw?" Each week I'm assigned a new creative project in my drawing class. This past week we were told to draw a castle. Above is the idea I dreamt up in my head then put to paper.

Green. Blue. Brown. Orange.

The above image is my final hand rendering of the living space I created. I used the same sketch- up layout however, I added a few more details including the staircase. Again I only used four colors, green, blue, brown, orange.

Ready. Set. Render.

For each of these drawing I traced my sketch- up design. I then chose three colors to work with, they were orange, green, blue, and brown (different shades and tints of the colors were used). The top is a tight rendering, the middle is somewhat loose, and the bottom is very loose.

Sketch It Up

So... this was my first time really using sketch- up. It was kind of frustrating trying t figure everything out, but it was nice to create a room and look at every angle.

Looking Down...

Above is a plan view of the living and dining space that I created. Figuring out what scale to use to fit on the specific size paper was tricky.. but i figured it out!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Basic Drafts.. South and North View[south]

[south view]

[north view]

After creating a rough sketch.. I drafted the south wall of my room [as shown above]. Once that was turned we were told to turn around and draft the north wall [also shown above]. Already you can see the difference from the first draft!!

Pen to Paper.. First Sketch

In my drawing class, we were assigned to draw a living and dining space. Above, is the first sketch of my design process. Its funny to see how my design has changed!!