Books Books Books
"Sanctuary," a term which heres means refuge, a place of comfort and peace.
Juliet Sinclair, was a 10-year-old, vivid reader. She wanted to fill her head with as much information as she possibly could, and she achieved this through books. Books on philosophy, astronomy, architecture, design, and dolphin riding. Anyone that knew Juliet also knew that she was much too intelligent to play hide and seek with the rest of the neighborhood kids. The other ten-year-olds considered her to be a loser-loner-freak, and would often taunt her. Juliet however, ignored them. She was too busy escaping to magical worlds, where children knew how to fly, lions knew how to speak, and going 20,000 leagues under the sea was another adventure.
On one sunday afternoon, Juliet Sinclair had just finished reading a 538 page book on how to build and design make-shift shelters. She enjoyed it so much that she thought it would be a fantastical idea if she built her own shelter. She would build a place where she could read and enjoy her enormous collection of books. Juliet would design a space where she could find comfort and peace. So it was made. Juliet, created a structure out of plastic rods, plastic bags, cardboard, fabric, and glass. The plastic rods where assembled and created the skeleton of the little house. Cardboard was placed over the rods to create the walls. Large plastic bags where then placed over the cardboard to prevent water damage from the rain, and finally fabric was placed on the inside of the shelter for a warm and cozy feeling. Juliet left an opening on the ceiling to let in natural light during the day, and at night she would be able to look up at the stars she read about. She also created a hanging chandelier out of old beer bottles she found in the back seat of her father's Pathfinder. She placed the chandelier near the skylight to allow the reflection of the sun. Juliet Sinclair created a "sanctuary," a term which here means refuge. She created a peaceful place where she could leave the ugliness of her world and escape to the wonderful possibilities that a story can hold.
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